Category: Impact-PAGE

Racial Equity

How your investments can play a role in promoting racial equity.We’ve always believed that investors must take responsibility for the impact their money has on the world. Beginning with our anti-Apartheid stance, we have addressed racial issues in our investment choices for many years. First Affirmative looks first for corporations that pursue equity for their [...]
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Military & Weapons

A strong defense, or an offense to your values?Investors can choose to exclude or include funds holding military, defense and weapony-related stocks, depending on their values. Investing in major defense contractors is a delicate balance. Many American investors believe in a strong military and a right to bear arms. At the same time, economists worry [...]
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Lifestyle Choices

Keep your money matched with your valuesYes, you can vote with your pocketbook. And you can vote to not put your money in certain other pocketbooks. What lifestyle and behavior issues are important to you? Some investors want to see nationally legalized marijuana, and hope to be investing pioneers in companies that benefit from it. [...]
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Corporate Behavior

How does a company treat its employees?Major corporations are increasingly being asked to prove they provide opportunity and resources to employees and behave like neighbors rather than exploiters in their communities. First Affirmative digs into corporate behavior and advocates for change with the power of shareholder alliances. Values-Aligned Investing specifically targets governance, in multiple ways, [...]
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Other Environmental Issues

Investing for a sustainable planetWhile climate change dominates many investing headlines, First Affirmative’s analytical values-aligned investing tools also take on a variety of other crucial environmental issues investors care about. As scientists continue to explore the human impacts of longtime exposure to agricultural chemicals, many investors want to avoid corporate farming practices and reward organic [...]
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Renewable Energy

Capturing the wave of the future and the presentThe economics of renewable energy change seemingly every month, and mostly for the better. Making a positive investment in renewable energy leaders is one great way to build a unique values-based portfolio. Wind turbine makers and the utilities buying their products are expanding into offshore wind and [...]
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Fossil Fuels

Influencing the move away from the old world of fuelsFirst Affirmative’s analysis helps advisors identify those making sincere efforts and avoiding those only paying lip service to the defining issue of our time. Companies that mine coal, burn coal or fail to clean up their historic exploitation of coal are destined to fade from leadership [...]
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Animal Rights

Extending your social values to the natural worldPublic and regulatory pressure has made a huge impact in recent years on how publicly-traded companies approach animal rights. It’s no longer a fringe position, but a necessary calculation of human benefits balanced with ethical treatment of animals, in all situations. First Affirmative investors may want to support [...]
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